Skyline is an emulator specifically for playing Nintendo Switch games.
Check this out Official website Skyline and Discord Group Skyline
if you are a new user in the world of skyline emulators I suggest using the skyline Edge version.
Skyline Original Version : Github Release App
Download Based Links:
Skyline V.1625 | Skyline V.1624 | Skyline V.1622 | Skyline V.1614
Skyline custom build: Github
The fork the new gpu in someone's build, this skyline has the upcoming edge features, but not all the new features just came in. Edge is still the best, but this can be an alternative for those who don't have an edge.
It is confirmed that it is more up to date than the official official skyline.
Note: You have to uninstall the old skyline, backup the skyline data file if you have settings/save data
Download Based Links:
Skyline V.25 | Skyline V.30 | Skyline V.38 | Skyline V.41
Download Based Links:
Edge V.15 | Edge V.16 | Edge V.17 | Edge V.18 | Edge V.19 | Edge V.20 | Edge V.21 | Edge V.22 | Edge V.23 | Edge V.24 | Edge V.25 | Edge V.26 | Edge V.27 | Edge V.28 | Edge V.29 | Edge V.30 | Edge V.30.5 | Edge V.31 | Edge V.32 | Edge V.33 | Edge V.34 | Edge V.36 | Edge V.38 | Edge V.39 | Edge V.40 | Edge V.41 | Edge V.42 | Edge V.43 | Edge V.44 | Edge V.45 | Edge V.46 | Edge V.47 | Edge V.48 | Edge V.49 | Edge V.50 | Edge V.51 | Edge V.52 | Edge V.53 | Edge V.54 | Edge V.55 | Edge V.56 | Edge V.57 | Edge V.58 | Edge V.59 | Edge V.60 | Edge V.61 | Edge V.62 | Edge V.63 | Edge V.64 | Edge V.65
Skyline Purple / Skyline MrPurple With Driver : Github | Telegram
Skyline mod by MrPurple, skyline has the upcoming edge features, but not all the new features just came in. Edge is still the best, but this can be an alternative for those who want try new things.
Note: You have to uninstall the old skyline, backup the skyline data file if you have settings/save data
Download Based Links:
Skyline Purple and Turnip Purple
Skyline Arista : Github
Skyline mod by hacobotdev, skyline has the upcoming edge features, but not all the new features just came in. Edge is still the best, but this can be an alternative for those who want try new things.
Note: You have to uninstall the old skyline, backup the skyline data file if you have settings/save data
Download Based Links:
Skyline Arista V.24 [R3] | Skyline Arista V.28 [R3]
PS :
Idk what version this issue is from or maybe it's only in Edge v20 or v21 but if you are using EDGE v21 and your SOC under SNAPDRAGON 8 GEN 1, READ THIS!
If the DIRECT MEMORY setting is CHECKED, right after playing Skyline, you need RESTART/REBOOT your phone, because there is a bug in Skyline, namely MEMORY LEAK
The condition is if the MEMORY ( RAM ) does NOT INCREASE after closes the program ( skyline ), the result is that after you closes the skyline application, your phone will be like SLOW
This source is obtained from the v21 update log
Do Your Own Risk :)
A different addition to Egg NS which has a download feature for the Skyline external driver, you have to download the manual to use the external driver, please select the appropriate driver below:
Download Driver Skyline :
Select the right driver for your device, for GPU series 6XX and 7XX I recommend downloading the version v615.50, v667 for qualcomm and for turnip I recommend v22.3.1 R2, v24, v26
If the game list doesn't show an image / it's unreadable or it's just a placeholder, import the key :
How to import Prod keys :
Download Prod Keys Skyline :
List game for Nintendo Switch
For now there is no final version for skyline I will continue to update about the development of this application
Shader Fix:
Nier Automata
"If You Like The Game Then please buy it for Support The Developers Thanks."
Anon - 63750 - 2 years ago
Devalca - 2 years ago